How Do I Run Reporting in Orange? (Video)
Create sales, remittance and net out reports in Orange
The Video above covers:
- Finance Reporting
Reporting in Orange
Sunlight’s Reporting feature is a tool we have built to bring more transparency and control to your sales and finance process.
- Sales users can review what percentage of their deals are in each stage and use this to drive action on an individual or team basis. Use the filter feature in the dashboard if you’d like to get a full list of customers in each stage.
- Operations users can see how many projects are at each milestone. And finance users will have access to remittance and net out reports.
How to Use the Reporting Features
1. Access reporting by clicking on Menu in the upper right hand corner, then click Sales Reporting or Remittance Dashboard.
2. Click on the small orange calendar buttons to adjust the date range and click Submit.
- If you are a manager or Executive you can choose teams or specific reps and drill down on their pipelines.
- If you are an executive, you can click Leaderboard to generate a list of top reps who have the most signed agreements.
What Can You See with the Sales Reporting?
- The Salesperson can see what percentage of their own projects are in each stage (from New to Loan Agreement Signed Stages).
- Sales Managers and Executives can see all projects for Sales Reps under them (from New to Loan Agreement Signed Stages).
- Operations team members can see all projects for their company (from Notice to Proceed to Project Completed). With the right permissions, an Operations team member can also access remittance reports.
- Executives can also use the Leader-board function to create lists of Sales Reps with the most sold deals.
- This is a great tool to see who is succeeding with Sunlight and to drive some friendly competition or even sales contests.
What can you see with the Remittance Dashboard Tool?
- Finance representatives will have access to net out and remittance reports for any given date.
How Can I Find My Deals Based On Which Stage They Are In?
Return to the Sales view and filter your pipeline by clicking this dropdown in the upper right corner of the Dashboard.