How The Loan Works
What loan products can I sell?
You can see the products were set up in your market by checking the Payment Calcu...
What are Sunlight's Approved Properties?
Property Type Requirements Sunlight provides loans exclusively to residential hom...
What if my customer wants to make an upfront payment?
No problem! Simply enter the Loan Amount as the Installation Cost minus the Upfro...
What is the loan amount?
Sunlight's loan is structured as one loan for the entire cost of the system. The ...
Credit Union Member Forms (Video)
What is a Credit Union Member Form and how do I explain the details to my custome...
What is the minimum loan amount?
Sunlight's minimum loan amount for a solar loan is $10,000. ...
Does Sunlight offer Spanish Loan Documents and a Spanish support for borrowers?
The Spanish selling capability is not turned on for all partners by default. If y...
Sunlight Solar loan add-ons and Price Per Watt Caps
Loans with add-ons will need to be within the $7/watt cap limit for solar install...
Do homeowners need to get insurance coverage for their solar system?
Yes, Sunlight requires that all homeowners going solar get an insurance policy to...
Does Sunlight Allow Ground mounts?
Yes, Sunlight does work with ground mounted solar installations. You'll need to j...
Does Sunlight work with Mobile, Manufactured or Prefabricated Homes?
Sunlight will allow for mobile, manufactured or prefabricated homes that are buil...
Can a loan be transferred if the consumer sells the home?
What happens if I sell my home? When you sell your home, you have two options: ...
Is it possible to re-amortize a Sunlight loan?
Can I re-amortize my loan? Yes! Sunlight’s lenders offer their customers multiple...
What happens if a consumer needs to refinance their mortgage?
When you re-finance your mortgage you will need to contact your lender first to n...
Sunlight Loan Agreement and Doc Walk
If you would like to learn more about the Sunlight Financial Loan Agreement pleas...
What is the minimum/maximum loan amount and fico requirements for a solar loan?
Here are the approval minimum and maximum for Sunlight standard solar loans. App...
Does Sunlight Approve Condominiums?
If your customer's credit is approved they will receive a stipulation email to pr...