How Sunlight Protects Elderly Consumers

How We Ensure The Satisfaction of Elderly Consumers

Sunlight will complete a courtesy call with customers who are 80 + years old before providing Notice to Proceed. The customer must speak to Sunlight to move the project forward.

Sunlight will make a courtesy call with customers who are 70-79 years old after providing Notice to Proceed.

Please inform the customer to expect a phone call from Sunlight.  

Sunlight Financial Elder Protection Policy

To make sure elderly consumers are on board with the loan terms we have put the following policy into place:

  • Sunlight will complete a courtesy call with consumers who are over age 80 before providing Notice to Proceed.
  • Sunlight will make a courtesy call with customers who are 70-79 years old after providing Notice to Proceed.
  • During the call we will review the key terms of the loan including the 18 month re-amortization and the fact that the federal tax credit requires sufficient tax liability.

FAQ's About Elderly Protection Policy

Q. When will the call take place?

A. We will call the customer after they have signed loan documents, and before Notice to Proceed (NTP) has been issued if 80+.

If 70-79 after NTP.

Q. How does this process work?

A. We will issue a stipulation called "CCR - Courtesy Call Required." This indicates that this requires a courtesy call. Once the call has been completed we will remove the stipulation and you can move forward.

Q. Can the customer call Sunlight proactively to complete the courtesy call?

A. Yes. The customer can call our support line at (888) 850-3359 to complete the courtesy call.  Please be sure that the individual who calls the support line is the person whose name is on the loan agreement.

Q. Once the call has been completed how long will it take for the stipulation to clear? 

A. The stipulation will be cleared immediately with the successful completion of the courtesy call.